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Family budget: 10 mistakes you shouldn’t make

All we have a habit that can sometimes “wreak havoc” on our family budget🇧🇷 And in some situations, we don’t even realize that we may be spending what we shouldn’t, causing the money not to arrive until the end of the month. inflation🇧🇷 Thus, small care and some habit changes can make all the difference in managing your personal finances.One of the reasons for “mismanagement” of your money is ignorance or lack of information. Taking wrong decisions has consequences on your personal accounts, which are sometimes poorly evaluated or even neglected. When that happens, instead of saving we are wasting money.Thus, if you are having financial difficulties, you must assess the source of the problem. If the cause is in our habits, we should try to identify them and change our behavior. Next, we indicate some tips so you can avoid some mistakes and thus make better financial decisions.

10 habits you should avoid when managing your family budget

Don’t look at prices

Before you buy should always look at the pricesassess whether you really need the good or service and also check whether that amount will not be needed for other more important expenses.

Not knowing where to spend the money can compromise your family budget

If you don’t pay attention to expenses, your money disappears without realizing it. How many people come to end of the month without money? Actually, this is what happens when we don’t record what we spend and where we spend it🇧🇷 That is, we have no idea what we can spend and often end up spending money on superfluous things, reflecting the lack of control over expenses. must make a monthly budget with income and expenses by categories🇧🇷 The first step is to define a maximum limit for each item of expenses taking into account your income. The basic rule is: expenses must always be less than your income🇧🇷 Only then, you can have your personal finances balanced. Otherwise, either you default or you have to resort to your savings, which is not desirable.

Save only when there is money

Another common mistake is to save only if you have some money left. When you make a budget, you must then allocate part of your income to your savings (pay yourself).That is, after seeing what you can really spend, register your expenses by category according to the limits you have established for each one of them.

Buy “everything without thinking about your family budget

Buying everything that appears in front of you just because you like it or it looks good on you can ruin your bills. For example, you go to a clothing store and buy a piece that you think is very beautiful, but in reality you don’t even need it. Consider carefully, if you don’t need it, you shouldn’t buy it. In other words, the so-called “impulse purchases” almost always give bad results. This is where the role of the family budget comes in. If you have in mind what you can spend, will think twice before buying🇧🇷 In fact, if you have a record of your expenses and an idea of ​​what you can spend, you will probably avoid many wrong decisions.

buy on credit

When you buy something with a card, the tendency is not to be aware of the amount you are spending. What gets worse when you buy with credit cardO. This is because, in these cases, you are not saving anything, it’s just postponing the payment🇧🇷 That is, in practice, you are adding expenses to the following month. In some cases, if you have not chosen the end of the month option, that is, paying 100% of the outstanding balance, is adding interest to the capital that has to be paid🇧🇷 In other words, more expenses for you. Don’t forget that credit cards have high interest rates on the amount still owed for the following month. On the other hand, the Bank of Portugal sets the maximum rates for new credit cards every three months. However, these rates are only valid for cards that are issued in that quarter, so yours may even have a higher rate. So, you should always check on your statement what interest rate you are paying for the amount still to be paid. always try to pay in cash🇧🇷 This is because, when you pay with cash, you are more aware of what you are spending.

Do not amortize credits

First, whenever possible do to amortize your credits🇧🇷 That is, whenever it reduces the amount in debt, is also reducing the amount of interest payable🇧🇷 Also, note that the interest rate you pay for a loan, as a rule, is higher than that you receive for any financial investment. Also read: Euribor rise: money in the bank or amortize the mortgage loan?

Maintaining some “vices” ruins the family budget

There are vices that bring little or no advantage. For example, smoking, constantly eating out or going out frequently are habits that consume a lot of money. These “little things”, added together, can prove to be a significant portion of your family budget. You don’t even need to completely eliminate these habits, if reducing them is already a great help for your bills. Your wallet thanks you (and your health too).

Not reviewing your insurance annually

Insurance also represents a good slice of your family budget. So, You should review your insurance, preferably every year. In other words, do some research and see if you can pay less for the conditions you already have. If necessary, consider switching insurance companies.

Not considering an emergency financial reserve in your family budget

Another essential rule is to always have a financial reserve to face any emergency🇧🇷 Good practices dictate taking aside the equivalent to six months or one year of fixed expenses🇧🇷 This allows you to have a financial break in case you have any unforeseen events in your life and/or a drop in income. As the name implies, this reserve serves to deal with emergencies🇧🇷 Thus, you may need extra money for unexpected expenses such as: A breakdown in the car; A health problem; A broken appliance. if you have a financial reserve, ultimately use it. Rather than resorting to personal credit or using a credit card. But if you do, try to replace the amount you spent as quickly as possible. Also read: 10 tips to build your emergency fund

Going to the supermarket without a list

Also the supermarket is synonymous with a lot of expense. But, in terms of management, the results can be more complicated if you don’t have a list of what you need. Ie, if you go to the supermarket without a shopping list, you almost always end up buying more than you need.So, plan your meals and always make a list of what you need before you go shopping.Read more: Family budget under pressure? In these expenses you should not cut

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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