Author: Anton Kovačić

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Presidency and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu reacted to the statements of European Union (EU) Commission Spokesman Peter Stano after the meeting of TRNC President Ersin Tatar and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev in Turkey. In a written statement from the Presidency of the TRNC, “EU Commission Spokesperson Peter Stano stated that our President Ersin Tatar has the right to hold talks as the leader of a ‘society’ in the territory outside the control of the so-called ‘Cyprus government’, but that ‘Cyprus’ international relations are under the so-called ‘Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the…

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If you were already a Broker in 2012, you watched live the market changes that are very likely to come and if that happened, you know from the experience of your mistakes or successes what you have to do to be preparedright? But there’s nothing like sharing the main lessons learned from our real estate market experiences to ensure that you can have everything under control and navigate another market cycle that, in fact, no one ever knows how it will turn out, but they know that it will happen, sooner or later.Some tips from the INMAM blog and from…

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Mehmet Hanifi GULEL The ice cream industry continues its double-digit growth every year. As of 2021, the size of the ice cream market has reached 246 million liters on quantity basis and 6.9 billion TL in turnover. On the basis of turnover, the market growth is 20 percent in 2020, 23 percent in 2021, and the growth continues when the first 5-month figures of 2022 are considered. We can divide the companies operating in the field of ice cream into two. Industrial large-scale production companies and traditional patisserie-style manufacturers. In Turkey, very special ice cream varieties are produced in terms…

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August is traditionally the month of vacation for most Portuguese people. Long days at the beach, hot summer nights… perfect month to enjoy the best family programs and live a memorable vacation. And if summer combines with fun activities, exploring incredible places is, without a doubt, something not to be left off the list. This summer the sun will shine brighter, the heat will appear every day and every day will do wonders for your well-being. Dive into Odisseias’ suggestions for some exciting and fun-filled vacation!Also read: Suggestions of destinations for vacations that you deserve so much!zoomarineDiscover the wonders of…

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O 1st cycle of basic education aims develop the oral language and progressively begin to master the Reading and writing, learn the basics of arithmetic and calculation, of the physical and social environment and of plastic, dramatic, musical and motor expressions. It lasts for four years – from 1st to 4th year – and is intended to children who complete the six years old until September 15 of the calendar year in which the school year begins. If the child turns six years old between September 16 and December 31 of that year, there is the possibility of entering the…

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Nebati, on his Twitter account, regarding Öztrak’s statement regarding the Currency Protected Deposit (KKM) Account, said, “Your effort to distort the truth with incomplete information by showing only one corner of the big picture is unacceptable. First of all, it is within the scope of the model you recklessly call ‘fake’. We continue to break the records of our Republican history in production, growth, exports and employment thanks to the applications we have put into operation according to the developing conditions.” shared. Stating that despite the significant increase in exports, the main reason for the deterioration in the current account…

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Mobility platform Marti is scheduled to open on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the fourth quarter of 2022. Explaining the details of the opening strategy and future plans, Martı’s Founder and CEO Oğuz Alper Öktem said, “We are very proud to be flying the Turkish flag in the New York Stock Exchange. We also feel its heavy responsibility, so we work hard. We expect Martı’s company value to be 532 million dollars and a gross resource of up to 280 million dollars to be included in our balance sheet. We are convinced that now is the right time…

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With the growing digitization of the economy and with the objective of facilitate the relationship between the Portuguese and public services, last July, the new measures of Simplex (the so-called Simplex 2022) were announced. The Simplex 2022 aims, as the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Administrative Modernization, not only to simplify, but in fact to adapt effectively more and more the Public Administration to the Portuguese and not the other way around. There are 48 new measures announced in areas such as education, health, social security, mobility, among others. Some of these measures will come into force later this…

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If you need to take care of an urgent procedure but cannot do it yourself, please know that passing a power of attorney to someone you trust can be a way to solve your problem. However, before passing this type of document to someone, it is essential that they understand how it works, so as not to take unnecessary risks. what is a power of attorney, what types of powers of attorney are there, and what to watch out for in case you ever need to pass this type of document. Find out when you need to register this document…

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Iran has described a US citizen’s accusation of plotting the assassination of John Bolton, a national security adviser under former US President Donald Trump, as “baseless”. In a written statement on the subject, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kenani argued that the US judicial authorities accused an Iranian citizen in that country “with political motives and without providing valid evidence”. “Under the pretext of these ridiculous and unfounded accusations, Iran strongly warns against any action against Iranian citizens and emphasizes that it reserves the right to take any and all measures under international law to defend the rights of Iranian…

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