The moment that has been announced the most in ‘Sálvame’ in recent days has already arrived. Patricia Donoso has sat on the set after the stir that last Friday caused the words he pronounced by video call. Accompanied by her husband, this woman who assures that Ortega Cano had something with her while he was with Ana MarÃa Aldón, has traveled from Miami to Madrid with a firm objective. Because as soon as she sat down to talk with Jorge Javier about everything that has been said in recent days, she wanted to clarify the reason for his presence on the program. Patricia Donoso has said that she has sat down in ‘ Save me’ because “things were getting out of hand, many things are said and there comes a time when they touch you…”. A few words with which she has made it clear that she is not willing to keep quiet and that for others to continue talking, she prefers to be the one who sits on the program to comment on everything. In addition, the guest has gone further to say that “it has made me very angry that Ortega Cano denies me, and that is why now I am going to tell everything…â€. So the fact that the bullfighter denied her has also caused her to take this step that will surely bring a lot of tail. Something that she has reiterated by saying that “I would like you to tell me the reason why you deny things, it’s ridiculous, that makes me say we have come this far and start teaching thingsâ€.Patricia Donoso with Jorge Javier in ‘Sálvame’. Telecinco In this way, the tiredness of Patricia Donoso after they even branded her as an impostor, has caused her to speak more if possible. And not only Ortega Cano. During her intervention in ‘Sálvame’ She has responded to collaborators and presenters who have talked about her in recent days.
Patricia Donoso makes clear the reason why she has sat down in ‘Sálvame’: "It’s ridiculous"
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