Trend Micro, one of the leading companies in the field of cyber security, revealed that 32 percent of organizations operating worldwide are struggling to protect and profile the ever-expanding attack surface, and that customer records have been compromised more than once by cyber attackers in the past year. Published the Risk Index report. Trend Micro’s Cyber Risk Index (CRI) report, which covers a six-month period and was prepared by the Ponemon Institute, was prepared with information from 4,100 organizations in North America, Europe, Latin/South America and Asia-Pacific. Trend Micro Turkey Technical Leader Burçin Olgaç said, “You can’t protect what you can’t see. However, as hybrid work ushers in a new era of complex and distributed IT environments, many organizations are struggling to bridge the expanding attack surface and visibility gaps. To keep the attack surface under control, asset discovery, monitoring, threat “They need to combine detection and response on a single platform,” he said. The Cyber Risk Index calculates the difference between organizations’ preparedness and the probability of being hacked, with -10 representing the highest risk level. The Global Cyber Risk Index increased from -0.04 in the second half of 2021 to -0.15 in the first half of 2022, revealing that the level of risk has increased in the last six months. This trend is also reflected in other parts of the data: the number of global organizations exposed to a “targeted” cyberattack rose from 84 percent to 90 percent over the same period. Similarly, the number of organizations expecting to experience a security breach next year rose from 76 percent to 85 percent. Some of the most significant risks to cyberattack readiness highlighted in the Cyber Risk Index relate to their ability to explore the attack surface. It is often difficult for security professionals to determine the physical location of mission-critical data assets and applications. From a business perspective, the biggest concern is incompatibility between CISOs and other managers. According to the participants’ scores, the statement “The IT security objectives of the organization I work for are aligned with the business objectives” received only 4.79 points out of 10. Organizations will significantly reduce their vulnerability to attacks by reducing the shortage of cybersecurity experts and improving security processes and technologies. Ponemon Institute President and Founder Dr. Larry Ponemon said, “The Cyber Risk Index continues to provide an impressive insight into how global organizations perceive their security posture and likelihood of being hacked. In the face of strong macroeconomic headwinds, the risks could not be higher. He states it as damage to the infrastructure and loss of productivity. Respondents cited the following as the top cyberattacks in the first half of 2022: Corporate Email Privacy Violation (BEC) Clickjacking Fileless attacks Ransomware Login attacks (Credential Theft)