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Changing careers in unstable times: 7 steps to being successful

Want to change careers, but instability scares you? Maybe you find yourself creating that business you’ve always dreamed of or starting to work in a completely different area where you would have to start from scratch. Leaving a stable or long-term job can be scary, so we’ve put together 7 steps to help you transition safely.

1. Set a time goal

Start by thinking about the timeframe that makes you comfortable to make the change. Six months is perhaps too rushed, but if you think about a year or three years (if you want to be more conservative), this can give you the security you need to draw up a plan with head, trunk and limbs, ensuring all the necessary conditions to make the change.When defining the date on which you want to change careers, start back and define the steps that you have to give until then, to be able to make the change in the foreseen period. By creating this calendar you’ll be able to stay focused on the goal, knowing that it’s always possible to adjust the date to face life’s circumstances: an unexpected opportunity can speed up the process; on the other hand, a more challenging situation may require you to reassess the steps you still need to take.

2. Ensuring financial sustainability

A career change can involve some income reduction, therefore, it is very important to estimate the necessary financial amount in the period following the move. First of all, you must have a well-established Emergency Fund for any unforeseen events that may arise. Then analyze all the expenses you have (monthly or on a regular basis) and find the amount you need monthly to cover these expenses. Also calculate the value you need to have as financial cushion if the change implies a reduction in income. If the professional change you are looking for involves creating your own business, plan how much do you need to invoice to insure all expenses and how you will achieve that turnover volume. You may still need to learn how to deal with uncertaintyas owning a business does not always ensure the financial stability of working for others.

3. Create a support network

Changing careers is not always a process without doubts, there may be times when the will to change and confidence in your abilities start to waver. At these times, it will be essential to surround yourself with people you know will support you and in whom you can trust to ask for help.Look for people who have gone through a similar change, ask for advice and listen to their experiences. It will also be very important to share your plans with your family and involve them in the change. Read also: How a career coach can change your professional life

4. Manage emotions

As time goes by, more and more anxiety can arise about the moment to make the change. There may even be some fear and insecurity. It is important to recognize these emotions, accept them as part of the process and find strategies to deal with them, so as not to be paralyzed by fear. The idea of ​​making a gradual transition is to feel more secure and confident about taking the leap, not thinking about everything that could go wrong and adapting to the situation you are in. Also read: 5 signs that you should look for a new job

5. Preparing difficult conversations

Communicating the dismissal decision is not always easy. If your decision is irreversible, it is easier to prepare for the conversation because you will be convinced of what you want, however, if you still have doubts, prepare to be shaken. In any case, it will be important communicate the decision to the right person and ensure that there is understanding on the other side and even support for your change. You never know what tomorrow might bring, so leave a door open It’s always a good strategy.

6. Create a Plan B

There is nothing like focusing on the goal you want to achieve in order to achieve the desired result, however, if you are one of those people who really needs security to be able to move forward with any change, it will be good to define a plan B, in case things do not go as planned. predicted. several possible scenarios and for each one design a solution, this way you will be able to feel more confident in the steps you have to take.

7. Trust and take the leap

Changing careers can be risky, just like any change. There are no certainties or full control over the outcome, so at a certain point it really comes down to trusting that you have done everything you can to guarantee a successful change and take the leap. Many people stay at their jobs, even when they no longer identify with what they do, because they are afraid of changing and losing what they had overnight. plan and define the steps for a conscious change🇧🇷 planned and calm.Read more: Want to change careers? 6 books that can help you make a decision

Anton Kovačić Administrator

A professional writer by day, a tech-nerd by night, with a love for all things money.

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